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23 Jan 2024 · 1 min read

The Tranquil Embrace Of The Night.

In the tranquil embrace of the night,
Feelings and memories take flight.
The wind rhymes a song with the unseen nightingales,
So many hearts are ablaze with exciting tales.
From within, the wounds begin to softly weep,
In the twilight of feelings, emotions run deep.
Dreams and desires start to bleed with a soothing touch,
So confused, do you love or hate, so much?
Habituated to hiding the deep cuts in the sunlight,
And caressing the scars, lonely in the moon’s white.
How peculiar, we gaze upon a shattered star’s gleam,
Can it mend the hearts that shattered love’s dream?
A firefly approaches, it’s light in our eyes,
The heart whispers so softly as hope takes to the skies.

Language: English
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