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29 Oct 2022 · 1 min read

Good things fall apart so that the best can come together.

“The stack of letters, carved for your touch,
Even they were astonished to have a destiny like such.
It was not written with any ordinary pen,
But the ink was submerged with her tears again.
She poured her heart out so that the pain wouldn’t kill her entirely,
The wind touched the stack and blew away the letters quietly.
She tried to isolate herself as she attempted to cope with your death,
But love didn’t give up and beat in her every breath.
The fragrance of the letters was felt by a total stranger,
His dedication and effortless smile became the only things that rearranged her.
Destiny echoed, “This is how I have to teach you forever,
Good things fall apart so that the best can come together.”

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