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13 Dec 2021 · 1 min read


It’s about The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah.
Once again a masterpiece by Kristin Hannah. The four winds is a historical fiction, based upon the drought and depression of the 1930s. It’s the story of Elsa Martinelli, whose life leads her towards the farms. She was happy and satisfied with whatever she had but the drought snatched everything from her, even her husband. Who abandons her and the children in a terrible situation? The drought and the dust storm shattered her life and when it became impossible to live in that situation, she moved towards the west for survival. But the situation there was also horrifying, the depressions lead her to a life she never wanted for her and her children. And in the end, she fought back against the system. Well defined the meaning of courage that is the fear we often ignore.

Language: English
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