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20 Jan 2022 · 1 min read

Night Road By Kristin Hannah

Just finished Night Road By Kristin Hannah. It’s deeply emotional fiction, which can make your heartache. The story is about a happy Farraday family. Jude Farraday is a happy housewife and proud mother, whose life revolves around her twins Mia and Zach and her husband Mills Farraday. Mia is a delicate, clumsy, and introverted child, who thinks that being her friend means social suicide. Zach, just opposite his sister, school’s popular and attentive child always surrounded by a bunch of friends. Their lives have been shaken when Lexi Bail enters into their lives and became Mia’s best friend and gradually Zach’love and an important part of Farraday’s family. Lexi was a former foster child and had a dark past. Soon the three were inseparable and bonded each other with a promise of never saying goodbye. But the trio has ruined by an accident. Hannah has written about the strong feelings of motherhood, loss, love, and friendship. The story contains the grief of losing a young daughter, A best friend, and a loving sister. The guilt of accidentally killing the best friend and ruining her own life over that unfortunate mistake. The worthlessness of not being able to stand by your love. Overall a painful read where the writer tried to teach us about forgiveness and hope. The Aspects of life help and heal a human spirit and brighten its way towards the light.

Language: English
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