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19 Feb 2022 · 2 min read

The Vault Of Vishnu By Ashwin Sanghi

I have always been amused by the writing style of Ashwin Sanghi, one of the best storytellers of our era. He has an incredible ability to fictionalize the story. and once again he nailed it with his novel The Vault Of Vishnu.
The sense of the novel indicates the philosophy of Confucious. The four Confucian monkeys, that saw no evil, heard no evil, spoke no evil, and did no evil. But the fourth one is almost forgotten which is do no evil. It also indicates the complexed power of Bramha, Vishnu, And Mahesha As The Hanuman. Yes, the story is based upon the power of Hanuman. The novel starts with a brutal Chinese attack in Doklam and an investigation starts. Parminder Khurana was being deputed to investigate the brutal attack and she found out that the attacker did not seem like a normal human being, but they were incredibly powerful, furious, and had special capabilities. The secret of their power led the story into our ancient history towards the Pallava dynasty and towards the 7th century when a Chinese Buddhist monk Xuanzang traveled to India. We also know the monk as Huein Tsang who came in the reign of our greatest kings, Kanishq, Harshawardhan, and Narsimha Varman 1. The story has everything which can interest you, it’s a great mixture of Politics, philosophy, Love, Family, Action, murder, Religion, History, Mythology, Spirituality, Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islamism, indo- china relationships. Overall a full package and a must-read. It will give you lots of intellectual and spiritual knowledge and a good path to walk upon that is the greater good. A worthy read. Thank you Mr. Ashwin Sanghi for such an informative book.

Language: English
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