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23 Jan 2024 · 1 min read

I Hope One Day The Clouds Will be Gone, And The Bright Sun Will Rise.

Today I promised myself that I would forget you,
But the anxiety in my veins started to grow.
God has destined my moments with an astounding view,
Where the sound of silence started to echo out of the blue.
My sights have been flooded with pictures of our togetherness,
Which I barricaded with my busy schedule and a tinge of cleverness.
Whenever the phone vibrates, your thoughts start to peep inside my mind,
Even though I know that I have blocked you, still the love makes me blind.
I have been trapped by the dreams and the realities that occur in my surroundings,
Which are taking my breath away, and I am confused with my findings.
I feel that my trust was broken long ago, even before I held your hands,
You tried to convince me, but the past lies and experiences don’t let me understand.
Your truth feels like a lie to my inner intuition,
It’s hard for me to close my eyes to your every transformation.
Now I am floating like an autumn leaf, with tears shining in my eyes,
I hope one day the clouds will be gone, and the bright sun will rise.

Language: English
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