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23 Jan 2024 · 1 min read

The Unknown Road.

The unknown road, where I am upon,
Gradually, the shining sun has gone.
The tree lines on both sides and the dusk make it serene and lone,
I pause here for a while and craft a moment all my own.
October is at its zenith, and the leaves are raining along,
Releasing a part of self, I can’t believe trees are so strong.
The sorrowful branches are interlocked with each other,
Seems like they are bidding goodbye to the summer.
Captivated by this silence, my heart breathes only your name,
Hoping for a miracle that I open my eyes and you’ll step into this frame.
A butterfly softly kisses my shoulder and calms my thoughts, taming my inner flame,
It’s so hard to control your love; it runs in my veins like cocaine.
The tender wind reminds me that it’s not the time to vanish in the pain,
I must complete this journey, along this country road to my domain.

Language: English
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