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9 Jun 2022 · 1 min read

We Would Be Connected Actually

I caressed the memories once again,
That had been touched by us together then.
The flower had been picked by me randomly,
But been preserved by you beautifully!
you saved the half-piece on your dashboard,
So that you could feel my presence wherever you explored!
The wind is still singing in those tiny leaves,
Where the moments and our fragrance have been locked, the heart believes.
The memento must have been dried up now,
Still, that has the power to drag up all the emotions that I tried not to allow.
This night and this silvery sky have taken me to that foggy edge,
Where we held hands and were lost in that misty cage.
Our wavelength must have tied us together eventually,
Even if you were on the next planet, we would be connected actually.

Language: English
Tag: Poem
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