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23 Jan 2024 · 1 min read

Under This Naked Sky I Wish To Hold You In My Arms Tight.

Under this naked sky, I wish to hold you in my arms tight,
Your smile becomes infectious when you apologize after every fight.
Reclining on this velvety meadow, I sense the rhythm of your melodious heartbeat,
Just beside us, the bonfire is dancing and casting its heat.
Somewhere, an owl is hooting, but your eyes are locked with mine, soothing my pain,
In a moment, a cloud comes, and we are enveloped in a torrential rain.
A firefly comes and sits on your profound scar,
Just to divert me, you commence to sing and play your guitar.
Tiny raindrops adorn my hair with a radiant glare,
Without a word, you sweep them away, an act of love so rare.
We take a little walk beside the flowing river,
Your grip on my hand intensifies, making me shiver.
The clouds are gone now, and the stars are competing with the moon’s gleam,
I long for this to be real, but we are fated solely to meet in the dream.

Language: English
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