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23 Jan 2024 · 1 min read

From Dust To Diamond.

A setback hit, and everything vanished,
The people who once adored him made him feel banished.
The darkness spread its wings, engulfing his consciousness,
“You were not a failure but a struggler,” the words echoed in his unconsciousness.
He tried to conquer the wandering thoughts, that drove him crazy,
But with the moon all around, only her love left him feeling as light as a daisy.
The struggles were real, and finally, he decided not to give up,
But the ocean was vast to dive into, not just anyone’s easy, big cup.
He built a ship of courage with all his positivity and hard work,
And gradually, it started to sail in the high tide and hard luck.
In failure, he found the seeds of his grand success,
He had a billionaire mindset, knowing to fight till the last, nothing less.
In every next and new trial, an optimistic mind cast a magical power,
Which made the billionaire mindset bloom like a beautiful flower.
With purity of intention unwavering honesty and hardworking sight,
They created a life where they turned challenges into pure delight

Language: English
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