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11 Jun 2024 · 1 min read

Most of the time, I am the kind of person who tries her best

Most of the time, I am the kind of person who tries her best to make others happy. It’s because, I know how it feels to be constantly sad in life. I know how it feels to be worthless and miserable, so I do everything I could just to make others feel seen and valued. As much as I can, I want to be kind to anyone, because I know how it feels to be forgotten and to be taken for granted.

I love seeing people happy, even though I am unhappy. I love watching people being loved, even though I’ve known the feeling of being unwanted. I just love seeing people being treated well, because the world is so cruel for anyone else out there. Life is so unfair, but I genuinely want to see people caring for each other.

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