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27 May 2024 · 1 min read

*Bountiful Nature*

Ravelling into the beauties of Nature
Lush green valleys on the go
Mountain cliffs hang on the other side
Sand dunes catch your sight in the row.

Huge tall green trees rising high
Growing each day to touch the sky
Svelte slender rivulets flowing
Gentle cool breeze on the top blowing.

Snow peaked mountains look inviting
To hike on the cliffs for breathtaking view
The myriad colour vegetation all around
Rolling hills ensnare you to glide through.

Behold! a sudden gush of wind
Carries a gigantic sand dune
A while ago enjoying the sand boarding
Whistle a soothing comforting tune.

Myriad are the hues and shades of nature
Varied are the moods of humans too
The panoramic view of the Nature enchants
Humans together make a divine view.

Language: English
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