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27 May 2024 · 2 min read

Superstar in Aquarium

“You are not that fit,
And I’m sure you won’t be able to do it.”
Muttered the tiny bro fish passed by.

Even after this Superstar’s heart whispered,
“Why can’t I.”

She wanted to explore the blue ocean which was really vast,
For this reason, she wanted to grow up fast.

“This aquarium has so many facilities which are new,
You will stay safe as the fellow fishes are few.”

(Mom fish tried to convince the young superstar).

Superstar became upset and felt really low,
The ocean’s water attracted her daily and desperately she wanted to go.

Feeling like a prisoner she began to cry,
She thought to ask papa fish and give it a try.

“The ocean has fishes of different religion and race,
Do you have any idea about the difficulties you will face.”

He scolded her and looked her with disgrace,
“My goal from here is very far”,
Boldly uttered the tiny little star.

Everyone in the family then said,
“Do you know the consequences if you will fail.”
“What if I successfully strive and sail.”

Superstar’s eye filled with sparkle and she nodded her head.

Superstar prayed to God to hear her only wish,
Hearing this God decided to help by sending a Genie fish.

The other day morning

Genie fish met the amazing Superstar,
And assured her that she will make her life at par.

The only condition was that she will never quit,
And Genie fish would teach her how to deal with it.

With time, she was able to grow her fin,
Which became her tool so that she could win.

Fellow fishes looked at her with a sigh,
But she was confident enough to rise high.

Finally the day had come to leave the aquarium and bid everyone goodbye.

The family also saw some scope,
And sent her with all her hope.
Superstar’s life began in full motion,
As she left for the gigantic ocean.

At last, she turned her aspirations true,
And stays calmly in the ocean blue.

Now, she along with Genie fish
Trains all the fellow fishes every quarter,
To break-free their cages and dive in Ocean’s water.

Language: English
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