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23 Jan 2024 · 1 min read

Affection Couldn’t be Found In Shallow Spaces.

It feels like waking up from a nasty dream,
How I just forgot about my self-esteem.
I have wasted my time in hollow places,
When I knew better, that affection couldn’t be found in shallow spaces.
People didn’t deserve but I gave them bits of me,
They took it lovingly and hit it to be shattered, see.
I thought being hurt was what I deserved the most,
Yes, I was naive; this was how I had been lost.
Then I learned to let go of the things that didn’t fit,
And found a new light that was always there but never lit.
I pulled out the hate that was secretly stored, in the gashes of my heart,
And then I saw you, waiting patiently for us and a new start.

Language: English
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