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23 Jan 2024 · 1 min read

Whenever Things Got Rough, Instinct Led Me To Head Home.

Whenever things got rough, instinct led me to head home,
Without you, life plays tough, and I have no choice but to roam.
Home is now just an illusion, where once I felt safe,
I don’t understand the cruelty of time, how helplessly I now stray like a waif.
The realization hits hard that the idea of home no longer exists for me,
I am caught off-guard, lying under the naked sky on a rough floor, you see.
My home was not a construction of bricks, but rather you,
Which has now turned to ashes, yet still embraces me in moments that remain true.
Whenever the storms hit the ground,
You were my shelter, always there, always around.
Now without you, I’m just lonely and lost,
I’ve tried a lot, but the distance between Heaven and Earth remains uncrossed.

Language: English
Books from Manisha Manjari
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