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1 Nov 2023 · 1 min read

“The Divine Encounter”

“I stood on the edge of the towering mountain peak,
Gazing upon a distant fountain, my spirit felt weak.
I had lost all my energy and the love of my life,
Feeling lonely and shattered, I clutched a knife.
My vision went blurry, and I had nothing to see,
Labored breaths burned, and I yearned for my soul to be free.
A tear fell and touched the soil,
The life HE had gifted, I had carelessly spoiled.
I picked up the knife, ready to cut my wrist,
I was so sure that the life I wanted would no longer exist.
But then, a smiling face met my despair, divine and true,
Eyes shining, peering into my very core, a breakthrough.
A peaceful awakening touched my soul,
For the first time, I felt myself as a whole.
“This is not the end but the start of a new journey,” a voice echoed,
Without blinking my eyes, I saw a new road.
Sunlight streamed in through my window, and I awoke from that dream,
I smiled with glee because I understood it was Divine’s scheme.

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