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27 May 2024 · 1 min read

Echoes By The Harbour

I stand by the harbor like an old wrecked ship,
Waiting for my darling, the one who’ll mend this trip.
The ticking of the clock gets louder, every second a misery,
Looking through our pictures, reminiscing old memory.

The song at which we danced at the enchanting prom night,
Still plays on my cassette, a sweet and faded light.
The scarf that you bought me on our 10th anniversary,
Still wraps around my neck, the fragrance a history.

Each creak of the floorboard, a phantom’s gentle tread,
My heart leaps at the doorbell’s chime, a hope long since dead.
On worn steps I linger, eyes scanning the dusty lane,
The path you walked away on, etched with a lover’s pain.

Long letters I write, with questions etched in ink,
But silence echoes back, a bond I cannot relink.
Five years have spun their webs, yet your last letter’s hold,
A fragile ray of warmth, a story yet untold.

Like the lighthouse weeping tears against the stormy night,
My soul yearns for your return, a beacon burning bright.
Will the sun ever rise upon this endless, waiting shore?
Or am I destined to be wrecked, forevermore?

-Vedha Singh

Language: English
Tag: Poem
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