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2 May 2024 · 1 min read

Bad in good

Notice the difference between good and evil

Good is not visible whereas bad is remembered

Many good qualities are there in a human being

Good things come from good company

Good inspiration comes from good thoughts

The imagination of mind takes form

If the will is strong then no storm can stand

The dark night falls when the dawn of light blossoms

No one tries to find goodness but find the bad in it

Goodness is far away when evil fills the rooms of mind

Generally the goodness is beyond understanding

The path to reach the destination becomes easier if the truth is supported

Better to stay two steps away from lies as truth is bigger than lie

Having good qualities in human being why criticism acts as demerit!

Why everyone remembers that humans are bitter!

Humans are having knowledge of righteousness

Then try to find goodness but not to find bad in good

Language: English
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