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23 Jan 2024 · 1 min read

The Heart Wishes For The Waves.

The heart wishes for the wave that brings along some pearls,
It craves the wind that carries along some fragrance.
The sky longs for the sun that drop some light,
And it yearns for the moon that showers white night.
Life hopes for the touch that caresses the scars,
And it urges for the giggle that heals wounded marks.
The hand hunger for the grip that imprints some emotions,
And it desires the soul that drags life in motion.
Ears wait for the words that fill some emptiness,
And they’re passionate about the silence that pulls me out of some wilderness.
The fireflies hunger for the darkness that grants them some recognition,
And the legs desire the path that gives life some definition.

Language: English
Books from Manisha Manjari
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