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23 Jan 2024 · 1 min read

The Enchanting Whistle Of The Train.

The night here at this station feels so silent and calm,
The moment becomes magical when you put your warm hand on my chilled palm.
A few trains are coming and passing so fast,
I’m afraid that you too will disappear soon, and the hallucination will become the past.
The enchanting whistle of the train is coming from afar,
You’re still holding me tight and caressing my old scar.
Lost in you, I watched my train just pass by,
It’s so relaxing to finally open myself up and have a good cry.
You said, “That’s enough for now,” and boarded a mysterious train,
I kissed you silently and wished to see you again.
The train changed its track, and I came out of the dream,
The tiny drops of tears fell with a smile, and I thanked the supreme.

Language: English
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