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24 Sep 2022 · 2 min read

Atma & Paramatma

When the unforseen happens, set plans and programmes fail, there is utter distress in which mental faculties come to a standstill state. Then a spark of intuitional motivation is felt ,which guides our ray of hope to come out of the state, and gradually instill the confidence of action governed by some supernatural power to restore the normal physical and mental condition.
This supernatural feel is God /”Paramatma” which is beyond our existence of ‘self’ called Soul or “Atma”.
Any good or bad deed ie: “Karma”
reciprocates in the from of good or bad result which is called resultant outcome ( in negative or positive form) which is called “Karmaphala”.
‘Self ‘ ie: “Atma” is destined to bear the result of bad or good deeds whatever it may be , which is decided and ruled by ultimate supernatural power ‘s existence in the universe ie : “Paramatma”
The vicious cycle of birth and death which revolve round life of living beings is never ending phenomena.
The ultimate path of this life and death ends only when Atma ie: ‘self’ attains the position of total neutrality between physical form and non physical/ paranormal form into it’s penultimate form and merges with supernatural form ie: “Paramatma” which is called Salvation ie: “Moksha” or “Paramgati or “”Nirvana” and soul becomes free from vicious cycle of birth and death ie: reincarnation.
There exists an intermediate state also between the vicious cycle of birth and death of living being between physical and non physical forms of self ie: “Atma” in cases of untimely death due to accidents , murder and suicides without of completing the destined path of Karma ie : action and experiencing resultant “Karmaphala”
This intermediate state is represented in it’s paranormal form as ghostly appearance called “Bhootatma” or “Pretatma” which exists in the mortal world to experience and complete the remaining “Karmaphala” in it’s account of good or bad deeds during it’s shortened life period, then only it returns to physical form as rebirth in the vicious cycle of birth and death.

Language: English
Tag: Article
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