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4 Jan 2022 · 1 min read

The Natural Thoughts

If your thoughts are natural,
And you feel hunger,
You will never be snatch food,
You will grow crop for yourself and others,
Its really a natural thought.

If your thoughts are natural,
And you feel thirsty,
You will never pollute the water,
You will save water for yourself and others,
Its really a natural thought.

If your thoughts are natural,
And you feel breathe,
You will never pollute the air,
You will develop greenish around yourself and for others,
Its really a natural thought.

If your thoughts are natural,
And you feel happiness,
You will never disturb the mind,
You will attain the peace for yourself and others,
Its really a natural thought.

If your thoughts are natural,
And you feel spritual,
You will never separate from nature,
You will gain knowledge for yourself and others,
Its really a natural thought.

Written by-
Buddha Prakash,
Maudaha Hamirpur.

Language: English
4 Likes · 2 Comments · 623 Views
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