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8 Mar 2025 · 1 min read

What is My being Worth…..

If I cannot make you lose yourself in me,
then what is my being—
a wavering shadow on the wall,
a whisper dissolving in the night’s hollow breath?

I am the silent companion walking beside you,
a thin thread of dusk stretched between us.
If I willed it, I could turn the midday sun
into the cool hush of twilight.

I am the word trembling at the edge of your lips,
the silence between two waves.
If I willed it, I could carve a song
from the void of waiting.

I am the fire smoldering beneath forgotten ashes,
a glow beneath closed eyelids.
If I willed it, I could make embers bloom
into a garden of light.

My boundaries are only those I refuse to cross—
if I willed it, I could hold the ocean
in the hollow of my palm.

If your heart leans toward the deep,
I will be the tide that carries you forward,
not to shore,
but to the endless horizon where names dissolve
and we are nothing but wind,
but water,
but the quiet hum of existence itself.

Language: English
Tag: Love, Passion, Peom, Poem
2 Likes · 1 Comment · 34 Views
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