Yes time just pass. It doesn’t wait for anyone. Even if you

Yes time just pass. It doesn’t wait for anyone. Even if you want to stay still, pause for some time but time won’t.If you want to compete with something compete with time which is the most difficult task. Remember one thing while you feel that nothing is moving in your life and it’s everything is still, time is moving.we need to go along with time. We need to respect time. Time will teach you so many things. We must have self control on all things . Because when time will answer you at some point of time ,it will be the most powerful noise you will ever hear. So time is offcourse precious.Even to now if you had stayed still ,this is actually high time that you respect time.Take tortoise walks.Go steady.But atleast move from the place where you are now. Keep going.Your time is waiting for you.✨✨✨💫💫💫