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26 Nov 2024 · 1 min read

One day you will be exactly where you want to be.One day, yo

One day you will be exactly where you want to be.One day, you will look around you in awe that whatever you hoped for and wished for happened for you. One day, you will close your eyes and tilt your head back as you face the relentlessly blue sky overhead, sending thank yous to all the lessons that got you there.
To all the blessings. To the people -both gentle and rough.
To all the tears. The breakdowns. The late nights and long days.The sacrifices and moments when you refused to give up.
One day, you will have everything that you ever wanted and that is when you will know that it all works out in the end. All you need is a little bit of courage. All you need is a little bit of love. All you need is a little bit of hope to get you along the way.
One day, you will realize that every struggle was a stepping stone, shaping you into who you were meant to be. The pain, the joy, and the uncertainty were all part of the journey leading to your triumph. You’ll see that the universe always had a plan, even when you doubted it. Trust the process, keep moving forward, and never lose faith in your own strength. One day, you’ll look back and smile, knowing it was all worth it.

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