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3 Aug 2024 · 1 min read

I read in a book that there is actually a vitamin that exist

I read in a book that there is actually a vitamin that exists with this meaning. Vitamin H , where H is healing although its mainly for skin. But it got me to think what if healing from deepest trauma was this easy.
If there is any such vitamin then I always needed it, I know for sure.
I wish healing was this simple. Just a vitamin that can be supplemented with biotin tablets. (Biotin= vit B7+ vit H).
Since I have realised that healing is a forever state of ‘work in progress’.
I am learning to take it easy on myself and take it slow with a lot of trust in the process of the Universe.
And I became a student to Life.
Healing humbles you down and makes you the better version of yourself.


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