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27 May 2024 · 1 min read

*Divine Bliss*

Trapped in my thoughts
brooding over the life’s mystery
What I gained, what I lost
What is woven in life’s tapestry.

Why there are worries
Why there is malice
Why people are maligned
Why can’t there be bliss.

Why people are aggrieved
Why there is no smile
Why closed in their own cocoon
Why there is no respite.

Why the sheen is lost
Where the charm is gone
Why the people fear
And so much hatred shown.

Why the trust is lost
Why the love is sour
Why they ditch their brethren
Why the anguish they pour.

Why the reverence is gone
To the farthest ways
Engulfed in the ego
Gone are the cheerful days.

The mind goes bewildered
Juggling up and down
Finding no solution
No ray of hope around.

Life will move on
Things will fall in place
Not to fret and worry
Find the inner solace.

Brooding over the turmoil
Will give life a miss
Have faith in the supreme
Enjoy His divine bliss.

Language: English
Books from Veneeta Narula
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