inner voice!

The voice of my inner conflict,
It’s my inner voice.
Roustabouting me in between,
It’s surely my inner voice.
Indeed my inner voice.
Reconnoitring me,
Cajoling me, pacifying me,
Wheedling me,
Reciting exhortations to me,
Mollifying the sulken me,
What’s that voice,
It’s surely my inner voice.
The voice of my inner conflict,
It’s my inner voice.
Commemorating each moment,
Celebrating in all circumstances,
Propitiating and actuating,
Making me grin and cry,
Infusing new sedulity in me,
Exorcising old phobias from me,
It’s the voice of my inner soul,
It’s surely my inner voice .
The voice of my inner conflict,
It’s my inner voice.
Turning spurious into precipitous,
Making deplorable to virtuous,
Giving directions to directionless,
Mending languish into arduous,
Giving cognition to ignorants,
What’s that voice of my inner shelf,
It’s surely my inner voice.
The voice of my inner conflict,
It’s my inner voice.