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6 May 2024 · 1 min read

Subject-I don’t believe in God.

Subject-I don’t believe in God.

Headline-luck is God.


I don’t believe that,
God helps a right person.
God only helps the, wrong person.

He doesn’t hear, any real voice.
He doesn’t listen, to any good voice.

He doesn’t take away, anyone’s pain.
He doesn’t even give,any medicine of pain.

I don’t believe in God.
Where is God then?
When humans lie in his presence?
Do dishonesty?
Harassing innocent people?
A truthful person is called a liar and
A liar is called truthful?
There is flirting with women,
Women and girls are raped?
The right candidate does not get the job?
Parents are separated from children?
Where is God then?

There is somuch sin in the world,
God keeps on watching and listening to everything.
Is God like this?
Not such a God?
Luck is God.
Hard work is God.
No god without it.
Therefore…I don’t believe in God.

Priya princess Panwar
Original and self made.
Dwarka more,New delhi-78

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