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4 May 2024 · 1 min read

summer as festival*

summer as festival*
genre open
language English
writer – dr arun kumar shastri
title – hai ni me vaari janva

Celebrating Summer as festival , is really so jovial .
I can openly bathe in river , tank , even under rain, no need to shiver.
At home I can be dipped or shower or in pool o my brother .
i love and relish the summer season as it is very cool .
i love the summer as there are every where,
ice cream and juices and soft drinks selling chilled .
We can roam in our shorts only 2 clothes game, just wear and come to play no worry no tear .
You can chill in the morning bash . there are no coma, full stop and dash .
Waking up in the summer morning is blissful .
Going on a jogging and long walk , doing Yoga, its thrill full .
One feel so dreamy happy and joyous, there are no cold sneezing of fever on the top of drill .
you can lick ice candy rabri , kulfi , water melon musk melon, but no sore throat.
And above all the king of fruits ma ma mango is scattered looks flat.
Compeering yet not comparing summer with winter no reason.
These two weather are just opposite and the longest seasons .
Celebrating Summer as festival , is really so jovial .
I can openly bathe in river , tank , even under rain, no need to shiver.
At home I can be dipped or shower or in pool o my brother .

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