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18 May 2023 · 3 min read

Unconditional Friendship

It was 12:00 AM in the mid night as I looked at the clock. I just finished the revision of the last chapter and decided to close off the study. I wanted to have a good sleep for tomorrow’s exam and have some time in the morning for quick revision. I stood up, stretched myself and came out of my hostel room to get some fresh air. It was pin drop silence outside but almost all the rooms light were switched on. Tomorrow is one of the toughest exams of the semester. Therefore, everyone is busy mugging up last bits and pieces.
I returned to my room, locked the door. Had a gulp of water from my bottle, switched off the table lamp and laid down on my bed. The syllabus is still hovering around my head, but I decided to calm down and sleep. I was thinking about other students who are still studying. Will they get better marks than me? Am I completely prepared? I decided not to think much and sleep as my head was really heavy after long study.
I was almost in the grip of sleep then suddenly someone knocked the door. I was in half sleep to realize is it real or a dream? By that time there was another knock with higher intensity. Someone was shouting my name loudly, “Ravi, are you awake?” I dragged myself to the door and as I opened the door, I saw Mohit tensed and perplexed. “What happened?”, I asked Mohit.
Mohit almost cried before speaking a word. I asked again, “Are you alright?”. I pulled Mohit inside, make him sit on the bed and offered my bottle to drink water. Wiping out his tears, he said, “I am not well prepared for tomorrow’s exam and scared if I will fail.” “My parents have high hope from me”, he mentioned. In a very disappointing tone, he expressed – “If I couldn’t pass this exam, I might not get a job. The more I thinks, the more tensed I felt. I am unable to concentrate to study. I feel as my head will explode”.
I can completely relate to his situation. I have known Mohit from the school days, and we joined this college together. He was always there in my needful time, and he is the one I can always count on my side. I consoled Mohit not to worry and assured him to help for the exam. I quickly checked the watch; it was 12.30 am and exam was at 10.00 am. I asked him to wash his face so that we can start the study.
I made an eight-hour study plan to cover all the important chapters for the exam. Obviously, I had to sacrifice my sleeping for that night. As I already did the revision, it was not difficult for me to explain Mohit the important concepts. He was carefully listening to me and was feeling comfortable. We had a tea and maggi break in between. By 9am, we finished the revision of all the chapters. I asked Mohit to take bath and get ready for the exam. Meanwhile, I also got ready.
He still had little bit of fear if he is able to pass. But I encouraged him, to believe and give your best in the exam. We reached the college at 9.50am, I asked him to sit calmly before and read the question clearly before trying for it. Even if he is not able to get the complete answer try to find from the revision what best response he can give.
As we were in different room, I wished him best of luck for the exam and came to my room. Exam started; I didn’t realize three hours’ time has passed quickly. The question paper was piece of cake for me as I had done double revision with Mohit. After submitting my answer sheet, I rushed towards Mohit’s room, he was still inside. After 5 minutes, he came out with a smiling face and hugged me tightly. He was confident that he will pass and so much grateful to me. As a gratitude, he took me for tea tea and samosa party.
One month later, when the results were out, my joy had no boundary. I had scored 98% in that toughest subject, while Mohit also got 65%. We both had a smiling face for our achievement. We can never ever forget that night when our unconditional friendship bloomed to glory.

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