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5 Nov 2022 · 1 min read

True love

Love is a beautiful feeling sometimes sweet and sometimes bitter .

Like water has no color and shape same with love’s a life long experience of pure feelings and of course “attraction” undoubtedly, passes through lot of emotions, distances , struggle and sacrifices with a taste of sweetness ..
When you are in true you always lift up never comes down ..true love never left you with depression , anxious,you never get insecure and lonely because it always with you, in you and within you .
Where there is a respect there is a love ,
Distances never break the love or closeness never make the love … It’s all about heart ,soul matter how much differences and obstacles come but love gives you strength to hit the ball that is in your court..❤️you will not have to put lot of efforts when you are in love your true feelings becomes your efforts itself 🤠

Nupur pathak

Language: English
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