Your action please!
You have enmity to the ages, what will you do?
You have power in your hands, tell me what will you do now?
When you had to choose, you chose religion, gotra, caste.
They are the ones standing in the way against you, what will you do now?
All your theories were baseless, you kept on boasting.
That’s why experiments failed, tell me what will you do now?
Opportunities were in your hands of happiness, my friend
You allowed it fall like sand, tell me what will you do now?
You had nurtured the with great effort & respect, the past.
It proved to be a snake in the sleeve, what will you do now?
Your leader had made a big promise that he will find a solution.
Forgot to pinch the miracle , what will you do now?
Therefore learn to supervise your maths. yourself.
History taught you something you forgot, what will you do now?