true privilege
True privilege is not always having the resources,
But having the freedom to fail.
You see, not everyone can afford to fail.
Not everyone has a safety net that will catch them if their decision to try something didn’t work. It’s easy to say ‘TRY. JUST TRY.’ Some of us cannot make experiments to see which one works out.
Some of us don’t have families and support groups who will take us back without scorn if ever the way we have chosen to walk didn’t lead us to where we thought it would.
Some of us don’t have another option waiting to be taken if plan A fails.
Some of us can literally only afford only course, one shot, one take, one try- and it has to work.
Some of us cannot afford to gamble and risk losing what the present offers-no matter how limiting and lonely it is- because that’s where security is.
Some of us had to learn to embrace what’s safe instead of what’s challenging, nurturing, and promising.
Some of us cannot afford to start all over again.
The freedom to fail is a privilege and a gift. Sadly, not many people understand that unwavering support and acceptance is sometimes all that one needs to take a trembling step forward and try. SUPPORT- believing that one is capable; and ACCEPTANCE- unconditional love for the one whose efforts failed.