There will be moments in your life when people will ask you,

There will be moments in your life when people will ask you, “so, what do you do?”
You will smile uncomfortably, because you know you have nothing to show. At least, not yet.
This, is what a great, risky adventure feels like.
People will judge you, they will smirk at you, they will act condescendingly and give you unsolicited advice, and you will start doubting yourself.
You will see your peers gradually accumulate more and more signs of “conventional success.”
You will wonder whether you haven’t been wasting all the past few years working in the wrong direction.
If it turns out that you were right, you will eventually look back one day, and you will shiver at the idea of the alternative, “safer” path that you almost took.
The greatest rewards are reserved to those equipped with enough courage, mental resilience, and long-term clarity. 🤍