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14 Jan 2025 · 1 min read


A whisper carried on the breeze,
Through tangled woods and restless seas,
A glimmer soft, yet burning bright,
Espoir, the star that lights the night.

When shadows gather, thick and cold,
And dreams seem distant, stories old,
It lingers gently, firm, and true,
A spark of dawn in shades of blue.

In weary hearts where doubt resides,
It weaves a path, a bridge that guides,
Through tempest skies and endless rain,
Espoir revives what seemed in vain.

It’s not a shout, but quiet grace,
A steady hand, a warm embrace.
It dares the broken soul to rise,
And find new worlds in shattered skies.

Oh, Espoir, you fragile flame,
Eternal yet without a name.
In every tear and every cheer,
You are the courage drawing near.

So hold to Espoir, fierce and kind,
A fire that neither time can bind.
For in its glow, we see the way,
To turn the night into the day.

Language: English
Tag: Poem
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