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6 Jan 2025 · 1 min read

No one can stop you. You can be delayed, but if you keep at

No one can stop you. You can be delayed, but if you keep at it, you’ll achieve it
Lack of a big goal: When you don’t have a big goal in life, you won’t have anything meaningful to work on. You feel like you’re not making progress. If you work towards a big goal, something that takes years to accomplish, you have clarity and focus.
When you take care of your mental health, work on primary activities, and have a big goal, you can make A LOT of progress in stepping up your level of focus. Sometimes, it’s best to have single-minded focus for a set amount of time. For example, during the last month, I spent about 90% of my time, energy, and mental bandwidth completing my new book. Within that single month, I finished the first draft. I wrote more in one month than in the six prior months.

That’s the power of single-minded
focus. By eliminating most
things from your life for some
time, you can make so much progress.

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