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29 Nov 2024 · 1 min read

Why are the modern parents doesn’t know how to parent?

Why are the modern parents doesn’t know how to parent?
Do you think there is a parenting workshop in indigenous communities and literate people?
Never,That is because they are.They are basing their knowledge on life itself.It’s not based on ideas that experts tell you this whole.
So that’s the difference.Now Living is knowing.
But for modern,educated people,
living and knowing has become separate their knowledge.They go to some place,they read,and you know somebody will give you and you believe it.If you answer it,you are certified as a good person educated person.If you don’t certify if it’s not certified,then you are,you know,drop out.
no,and and the whole process has been destroyed by that,you know
So just by looking at the parenting itself,
we can We can show that how knowledge is completely gone away from educated people.
And also you see this Ah,
the higher the educator,the less knowledge of life


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