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25 Nov 2024 · 1 min read

The Tapestry of Humanity

Beneath the stars, a tale unfolds,
Of hearts that dream
In, of hands that hold.
A fragile race, both kind and cruel,
An ocean vast, a broken jewel.

From every corner, every land,
We build, we break, we understand.
In fleeting moments, joy takes flight,
In shadowed times, we seek the light.

We war for peace, we fight for love,
We search for meaning far above.
Yet in the soil, in roots we grow,
The seeds of unity we sow.

A child’s laughter, an elder’s gaze,
The silent witness of our days.
Through pain and loss, we find our voice,
To rise, to heal, to make a choice.

For though we falter, though we fall,
The spark of hope outshines it all.
A single thread, both strong and true,
Woven deep in me and you.

So may we learn, may we create,
A kinder world, a fairer fate.
For in our hearts, humanity,
Is the truest gift, the key to be.

Language: English
Tag: Poem
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