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22 Jun 2024 · 1 min read

Staring blankly at the empty chair,

Staring blankly at the empty chair,
Where he used to sit and admire me.
Missing him , I feel connected to his soul.
The vacancy fills me with sympathy for my emotions.
Spontaneously a flash of light comes in with cherishing memories,
A gorgeous story where I’m the Juliette and he’s the Romeo,
A shriek of pain and mental agony is the symbolic of the fact that I cannot get out of this crater of awesome bubbling romanticism.
I blush as I speak, coloured with the tint of his wonderful smile.
Just once again let me stare at you,
To once again fall in love with you.
There’s no one with me currently you know, to kiss the ambivert within me,
Just look at me with eyes full of passionate love once more and let me fall for you once again.
This craziness is not a curse ,
It’s just a mere desire of my worthless self.
Well Portia had said that a maiden hath no tongue,
I’ll say a maiden always has a tongue when she’s in the presence of her beloved one.
My words gain complicacy when I’m around you.
Now readers might be thinking that why this poem is so haphazard,
My dear readers when love is concussion of emotions of two lovely people then how can a romantic poem have a rhythm can be nicely oriented .

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