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22 May 2024 · 1 min read

*Treasure the Nature*

It’s an ever brimming river of desires.
To keep collecting invaluable Sapphires.

To walk past the green meadows.
To Run while chasing our own shadows.

An ongoing Journey among the vast wilds.
Peeking at squirrels pecking nuts buried in soils.

To watch the pigeons feeding their Youngs.
To deep breath and fill oxygen inflating our lungs.

To let our hair flow freely with cool breeze.
And walk barefoot on ice till the legs get freeze.

To let the dreams run wild among flowers which blossom.
To inhale the fragrance of these gifts so awesome.

To soak in the beauty of wondering butterflies.
To quench the thirst of our soul and eyes.

To cherish the range of mountains far & wide.
Sometimes visible and sometimes hooligan clouds hide.

To treasure the nature and never part.
It’s a dream nurtured in every heart.

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