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18 May 2024 · 1 min read

When I was a child………

In childhood’s span, life danced with glee,
With friends, in play, we roamed so free.
No stress, no fuss, just laughter and fun,
Yet chores of the day, somehow, by dusk,
Were promptly done.

Scoldings came as shadows in the sun’s rays,
From teachers wise and elders true,
But, no grudge we bore, no bitter feud,
For values strong, in us imbued.

Discipline, respect, each day we’d learn,
Punctuality, thrift, our hearts did yearn,
In our veins, these virtues still flow, and
As ’90s kids, we proudly do show.

So here we stand, with minds aglow,
Strong, mindful, resilient in tow.
For in our youth, those golden days,
We learned life’s truths, in playful ways.

Language: English
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