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2 May 2024 · 1 min read

Mental Health

The chords of actions lie in the brain, bearing vibes of joy and pain.

A tranquil mind can play its part, enticing goodness with its art.

Rough premises are nothing but a developing state of mind,

Which may give birth to a peaceful child.

Like ripples of silence may reverberate from head to toe,

Brimming with a positive, healthy lifestyle of the decade.

We may think, judge, choices we make,

We draw lines between truth and fake.

We think, talk, dreams we weave,

We plan our chores, the way we live.

Healing of untouched neurons by the ringing chime of ecstasy,

Brimming with optimism and a pristine self with an abundance of safety.

We have to develop a belief within ourselves

That would be the world we want to dwell, to find the seeds and celebrate the fruits.

Peace of oneself from the sprouting seeds of unhappiness,

Capturing reality and melting with the poison of unfaithfulness.

Mental problems are not an embarrassment, akin to physical injuries, they require treatment.

Care and compassion towards those who are struggling are also important for improvement.

Until and unless we believe in ourselves,

No one in this world could deter us from rescuing ourselves.

Language: English
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