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21 Mar 2024 · 1 min read

One day you will realized that happiness was never about fin

One day you will realized that happiness was never about finishing your degree, finding a job with high salary, or being in a relationship with someone you can consider as your other half. Happiness was never about exceeding all the expectations on you and following the footprints of your family when it comes to a certain career. It was never being someone that you idolized and it’s not all about fame and popularity. Soon, you will realized that true happiness lies within the boundaries of your heart, when you follow your passion, when you live your life based on your own terms without following the orders of someone, when you step outside your comfort zone and discover things that you’re not aware that you’re capable of. It’s all about embracing your progress without criticizing your productivity, It’s all about your unexpected smile when you watch the sunsets. It’s all about embracing the real you rather than imitating and comparing yourself to other people. You will understand it one day that you can be happy alone, happiness comes from within and you cannot find it on other people. True happiness lies within the boundaries of your heart, it will happen and you will not even notice it.


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