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6 Feb 2024 · 1 min read

7. Roaming on the Sky

Roaming on the sky.

Generally I roam
On the roof of the sky
To find out where it ends
It is just ever expanding
Looking lustrous and bright
Seems no end in sight.

Who is there
Unseen unnoticed but busy in
Drawing it wide and wide
Like a child
Pencilling lines to
On an empty blue canvas.
Taking pride.

My curiosity increases like a child
What is beyond the expanding sky
Can I have a long jump at the end
Where shall I land after the jump
May be my feet get painful cramp.

I am not afraid when I climb the sky
I pass the sun, moon and the stars
Some huge chunks of floating meteorites
I enjoy the most among milky ways
I do not want to go near black hole
It might suck me like into the gaoll
I am in search of new galaxies
Searching also other worlds of
suns and moons and black holes
I am searching That Ultimate
Called Omnipresent, Omniciennt
And Eternal Creater God
Does He lives on the Sky
Or behind and beyond the Sky
But O what is this?
At that very moment
A voice is heard from within
Visit the Blissful garden of Soul
You will become with me A whole.

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