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31 Jan 2024 · 1 min read

13. Rain Reigns

The sun spits his fiery sparks down.
The earth burns yellow and brown.
The stalled airs all around perspire.
The clouds all pitch dark do conspire.

Then winds begin to gush all around.
Lightning sparks and thunders sound.
With this come down all drops of rain.
Lives on earth then do merrily sustain.

The tiny droplets do patter and dance
On the doting lap of Earth in a trance.
The aroma of the rain-soaked earth
Spreads all around as it does unearth.

Nature comes out in all her bloom,
As if a maid is in her green costume.
The joyous rains chant a tune in glee.
This music is missed all year really.

Language: English
Tag: Poem
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