Harmony’s Messenger: Sauhard Shiromani Sant Shri Saurabh

Harmony’s Messenger: Sauhard Shiromani Sant Shri Saurabh
In the whispers of thoughtful minds,
Drifting through life’s wondrous binds,
Saurabh, the herald of tranquil grace,
Guides our souls to a serene space.
In the cradle of every thought, he sways,
A symphony of peace in every phrase.
“Focus, purify,” his wisdom rings clear,
Molding destinies with hope, void of fear.
With words that sow love, seeds of light,
He crafts a world where darkness takes flight.
From every corner, his message unfurled,
A tapestry of goodwill that spans the world.
A prophet of harmony, his spirit soars high,
Touching hearts, painting the sky.
In the canvas of time, his legacy spun,
Sant Saurabh .the peace-bringer, as one.
His mantra of joy, in each heart it lands,
Transforming lives with gentle hands.
For in thoughts refined and spirits aglow,
Lies the path to a world we all bestow.
In every echo of his tranquil decree,
We find the key to living free.
Saurabh, the harbinger, his legacy unfurled,
Ushers in a universe of love to the world.
H.R.H. Prince Love Dr. Ivan Gaćina