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2 Dec 2023 · 7 min read

Biography Sauhard Shiromani Sant Shri Dr Saurabh


Sauhard Shiromani Sant Shri Dr Saurabh

Our India is a secular country. Here, individuals of every religion, sect, caste, and class have the constitutional right to adopt and practice their beliefs or faiths, and perform worship according to their preferences.
In ancient times, the king used to be the representative of the state, and the king’s duty was considered the state’s duty. For centuries, the connection between the state and religion remained centered around the king. This is why, during the drafting of the constitution, the proclamation of a secular governance was made, keeping in mind the interests of all religions in India.In today’s politics, the role of religion has become extensive. Now, human rights are recognized worldwide. This is the fundamental mantra of Indianness. Its influence is spreading worldwide, but sadly, respect for other religions is diminishing in people’s hearts.
In our country, opinions about each other’s religions and sects are expressed in both positive and negative ways.Not only that, sometimes people in the tolerant India with a tradition of religious harmony do not hesitate to harm followers of other religions.Today, it is essential for the people of our country to rise above such thinking to build a great India.One who has raised the veena, a personality like that…Whose name is renowned worldwide, yes… that is Sauhard Shiromani Dr. Saurabh .who has conveyed the message of universal religious harmony through his creative thinking, determination, and self-expression. Today, he is known by the name of Sauhard Shiromani Guru Dev Sant Shri Dr. Saurabh .
Thoughts and actions are two flowers that perfume the mind.Similarly, your thoughts and behavior uplift our minds.It is absolutely true that you are a reservoir of knowledge.Even though we haven’t met face-to-face, through virtual encounters and digital communication, we have connected with a personality like yours.And we have arrived at the familiar & known world through an unknown path. Your gentle nature, sweet words, and positive perspective seem to fill the atmosphere with inspiration.It motivates to progress on the energetic path.Your thoughts and behavior will always remain as guiding principles in our lives.
“But there is still much left to do…The flow of knowledge, akin to the Ganges, is yet to continue its journey.And there is still the task of diving into the stream of knowledge, taking a plunge to gather some enlightening pearls from the Ganges of wisdom.”

Artistic experience

Skills and capabilities are the essence of your personality, and we have learned about your excellence through your impactful verbal expressions. This very strength plays a crucial role in making a significant impression on the person you meet for the first time.
Everyone likes someone who can make people around them laugh, compel them to smile. All these qualities are an introduction to your skilled personality.Many times, when things become very serious, the prescription to alleviate someone’s solitude is to come forward with a dose of humor or a fun-filled activity.
Therefore, your creative use of humor undoubtedly helps in encouraging others to move forward.


Both written and verbal communication skills, beyond physical appearance and behavior, are crucial components of your personality.
Contrary to common belief, conversation is an art, requiring finesse, subtle expressions, and creative expression to make it impactful.However, in most cases, people demonstrate excellence in formal written communication.But as far as I understand, when it comes to oral communication, there is a need to work on it.
Your thoughts, word choice, conversational tone, pleasant body language, and contribution to discussion topics always play a crucial role in effective communication.
The art of eloquence leaves behind your wonderful and unique imprint.While not expressing agreement or disagreement, you attentively listen to what others say, carefully considering their statements.This translates to “This puts you in the category of a cheerful and disciplined personality.”


The meaning of ” Sauhard or Harmony” is considered as affectionate and attractive camaraderie.
When the word “Sauhard or Harmony” is associated with a name, it signifies that the meaning of that name is peaceful. Dr. Saurabh , renowned as the epitome of camaraderie, is characterized by his serene demeanor and a heart as pure as his surroundings. With a disposition marked by affection towards everyone, his nature of fostering cooperation and harmony establishes his unique identity.

Sarv Dharm Sadbhaav ( Unity of All Religions)

A true spiritual person believes in the equality of all religions. According to them, all religions are equally deserving of respect. Committing violence or spreading hatred due to religious differences is neither religious nor justified.
Respecting and honoring other religions while adhering to one’s own is the essence of universal harmony. This is the path to global prosperity. Confirmation of this can be found by meeting the esteemed and harmonious Dr. Saurabh or simply by visiting the sacred land of Dharadham.

“The poet Iqbal has said, ” Mazahab nhi sikhata aapas me bair rakhna” (Religion does not teach animosity towards each other).

It imparts the lesson of love, not enmity. Fighting in the name of religion is madness. Avoiding this madness is truly commendable for humanity.


“Your nature is like a lamp, That illuminates as brightly in a palace as it does in a humble abode.”


“Humility Bowing is not a bad thing, It is through this that one recognizes humility in a person. Your humble nature is indeed your distinctive identity.”


The purest heart belongs to a noble person, Patience is the wealth of a virtuous individual. These qualities are inherent in you. Insight and empathy Your insight is instrumental in yielding complete and positive results. Also, your empathy, though pure and delicate, never allows you to deviate from the path of life.”

Inshight & Empathy

“Your insight is instrumental in providing comprehensive and positive outcomes, and despite your empathy being pure and tender, it never allows you to deviate from the path of life.”

Self- Awareness

You pay special attention to self-reflection, considering the image you are creating in society and the professional field. You also observe how people feel towards you.


“The light of self-confidence is inherent in your name, making you purposeful and strong.”

Uninterrupted Progress

Your creative excellence inspires you to do something new every day.Your wisdom and innovative approach in your work system consistently pave the way for success, establishing new dimensions. This proves to be helpful not only with the younger generation but also in rejuvenating enthusiasm and vigor across all age groups.”


The introduction of Saurabh , the epitome of harmony
and leadership, is truly remarkable.Your work style is your introduction.
Sant Shri Dr. Saurabh , a modern-day visionary and prominent figure from Gorakhpur in Uttar Pradesh, residing in the village of Bhasma Dawarpar, is a great personality who needs no introduction today.
Globally renowned, unparalleled, extraordinary, and visionary, Dr. Saurabh Pandey, enriched with multifaceted talent, has been honored with numerous national and international awards. A great soul who has unfurled the flag of India’s culture, rooted in the concept of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam,” across the entire world.
He has initiated selfless social development programs, establishing new milestones in peace and happiness, as well as fostering religious harmony.
Millions of salutations to Shri Somanath Pandey Ji and late Smt. Geeta Pandey Ji, the parents who brought this divine personality into the world.They gave birth to such a talented child who, amidst the challenges of a farmer’s life and economic struggles, embarked on a journey of self-reflection, creativity, self-awareness, self-strength, and self-confidence. He set sail in the boat of public welfare, promoting universal goodwill, religious harmony, and spreading awareness of humanitarian values.
Whether this is my good fortune or a miracle of the divine…I feel honored to have a virtual meeting with such a great personality.I extend heartfelt congratulations and best wishes from the depths of my heart to the esteemed Sauhard Shiromani Honorary Professor Sant Shri Dr. Saurabh I commend you for your pursuit of global peace, progress, and upliftment.Understanding the essence of humanity and imparting the teachings of humanitarianism to the world, you will undoubtedly achieve this milestone.You will be recognized as a new example in the world.Your unwavering pilgrimage on an unwavering path will illuminate the entire world with the light of unwavering faith.
“The fragrance of Saurabh is spreading in every corner of the world.
They will shine in every corner of the film world, touching every heart.”
The shower of honors has descended upon the abode of Dhara Dham.
Shine like the pole star in the universe and guide the boat through the journey.
You have earned recognition from several universities, becoming a role model in the field of education for the younger generation. Your life story is included in the syllabus of the UP Board and ICSE Board, which is a matter of great pride for all young Indians.

Unique Personality

A person’s personality is like the fragrance of a flower, unique and distinct. An influential personality is something you possess.
Connecting life with new directions and intriguing dimensions like an illuminated lamp is your beauty. Your personality, work system, behavior, and capabilities are harmonious.
In addition to the inclusive elements in your personality mentioned above, a charismatic character, a sense of leadership, a carefree and confident demeanor, a calm nature, a humor-filled disposition, and a serious personality are your identity and the pride of every gathering.
[POSDCORB] is a formula encompassing all your qualities.
Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Reporting, and Budgeting are integral components within you.
The outline of any program goes from its planning to the resulting budget, encompassing all the above-mentioned phases.
And following this framework, you execute your new plan as the Director of Dharadham International, a distinguished organizer, film producer, and recognized social activist, blending sound reasoning, contemplation, and coordination. May you continue to thrive on the path of success.
If I were to write about your capabilities, the pen wouldn’t stop. “Ink in the pen and paper may run out, but words of genuine praise for you can never be insufficient.”
With these good wishes, I conclude my words.

A cascade of honors is falling,
becoming renowned worldwide.
From the land of this country to foreign lands,
gaining respect and recognition.
Saurabh’s journey of camaraderie,
acclaimed both nationally and internationally.
This small effort of mine
has measured their path.
No scale can measure their path
in such a way that I can gauge.
“May I attain universal harmony,
a sense of camaraderie,
and intellectual consciousness.”

Written by
Dr Nisha Agrawal
Jaipur, Rajasthan

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