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4 Mar 2023 · 1 min read

White patches

Ohh! Dear,
Why are you fear?
You are not a cruel,
Any queries with us,
It’s not the sign of sin,
Be positive,
You are looking good,
Your skin are glowing,
Special person for us,
Ohh! That the white patches,
You are not untouchable,
Shake hand with me,
Social awareness are not so weak ,
Be happy,only melanin decreases,
Beneath the skin everyone looking bad,
You should be glad,
Why the people thinks bad?
They neglect the white patches people,
It’s not horrible,
Not a patient to instant care,
You have not a disease,
You are special one,
A sacred heart with you,
God’s angel ,
Be positive,
You have status among us,
Mentally you are good ,
Never care them ,
Who belong from heart and poor thinking.

Written by-
Buddha Prakash,
Maudaha, Hamirpur.

Language: English
3 Likes · 642 Views
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