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28 Sep 2021 · 1 min read

Social discriminative approach of maithili language

You can’t believe any language could be divided her society people? But it’s really truth, that social discriminative approach of maithili language. This language have always devide her society people in two part. i. e. maithili and nonmaithil since ancient to at present.
Only 10 to 12% of maithili speaking area people are authorised representative of maithili language through maithili mahasabha and language speaking standerd create for sahitya academy recognition of maithili.
Rest 88 to 90% of maithili speakers are not pure maithil? Because they all are called Raad, solkan, dachhinaha, pachhimaha, kosikanha, thethee boli, madheshi, etc by maithili standerd follower peoples.
Mithila society and maithili language have always follow the besless traditions of social discrimination on based of speaking style, cultural activities, customs etc. Why? maithili language sarounding rotet near diplomatic curve of pure maithil (shudh) and nonmaithil (ashudh)? In this circumstance how can all people will be authorised representative of maithili language in mithila society and maithili literature?

©Dr. Kishan Karigar
(Assist. Professor)

Language: English
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